The First and Second Day of School

As I mentioned yesterday, it's been a little chaotic around these parts lately. So when the first day of school starts bright and early with lots of rain, a parent just might miss their child going off to their Senior year of high school. Yeah. That totally happened. While I was busy getting ready, the older child had to leave for school, and I missed it! I was so sad. But she's practically a grown up and drives herself to school, so I wasn't worried just sad. But it did mean that I missed any chance of taking her photo on the first day of school. But here's my beautiful girl on the second day of high school:

James started a new school this year. I have been more than a little worried. But I needn't have. His most interesting observation after the first day? "The kids part down the middle of the hall into two rows so I can pass. They do this for all the sixth graders." I think he's enjoying being the big man on campus.

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This year marks the end of some things. The end of my daughter being in school (well, except for college). The end of my son going to Elementary School. It's going to be an epic year as we prepare ourselves for some big changes.

Frankly, I'm just grateful they both enjoy their schools and their teachers. That's all a mama can hope for.


  1. WOW!! Senior already? Time sure does fly.

    1. It does. It makes me a little sad. :(

  2. Yesterday was, my youngest son's, last, first day of school. Though we are not in the middle of a move, like you, I had to work and had my husband take a photo for me. I was so sad. After this year no more school activities, sports to think about.
    College "school" is not the same.
    I am sure your kids will do well this year, amidst all the changes. Just hard to think about all the changes, things that will be missed when my son is done with school. But if you have done well as a parent, then the kids should be ready for life. And to grow and bloom.

    1. That must have been tough not to be there. It's so hard to watch them grow up sometimes even when you're very proud of them.

  3. Good looking kiddos. My oldest grandson graduated in June this year. My youngest son moved out last month. He's in his Jr. year of college, engaged and expecting a baby in Jan. All milestones that make me sad but, at the same time very proud.

    1. Sounds like you have a lot to be proud about. It's strange to think that so many big life changes are on their way.

  4. Love your photos! So much change for you! I hope it's a wonderful year!!!

    My oldest starts 6th grade next week in his new school. It warms my mommy heart that your first day was such a success!

    Good luck with the move in!

    1. Thanks, Jill! I hope your son enjoys his first day as well. :)


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