Can Scrapbooking Products Really Help Tell a Story?

If you've been scrapbooking for any length of time you've become a storyteller. You share the memories and events from your personal or family life, and those stories are being recorded for future posterity and generations. When it comes to recording those memories, you want to make sure you're capturing the best and most important parts of the story. Remember this year we're #makingitmeaningful! How can you do that? How can you use your scrapbooking products to help tell your stories?

In Lesson 1 of my "Scrapbook Design and Storytelling: Beyond the Basics," I discuss how to capture "voice" on a layout. I do that by sharing how I go about selecting products to convey the voice of the person whose story I'm trying to share.

For instance if you're telling a story about your five-year-old son you might approach storytelling a little bit different from a story about your spouse. In this lesson, you'll get to see two pages that show different ways to convey "voice" on your layouts.

Here's a peek at one of the layouts I created for this lesson:

Looking for additional inspiration? Here's a layout I created that also conveys the person's voice in this story. Can you guess how I'm conveying that voice on this page? What is the story my son is trying to tell in this photo/layout? Did I capture it? (by the way, CTR stands for "Choose the Right" and is an emblem we often wear/exhibit as members of our church).

I've uploaded this layout to my Craftsy class in the "Projects" section. Want to learn more? Be sure to check out the class HERE. I promise this approach to scrapbooking will help you become a more effective storyteller!

1 comment

  1. Oh my goodness, that CTR ring photo is awesome: The darling finger and he is so proud! Dang, I need to get photos like that of my g'kids. And as the article states, the supplies are perfect. Love it! I also think that it would be a wonderful idea for the teachers to take photos like this for the kids in their class.


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