Happy 19th Birthday Joseph!

Today would have marked my oldest son, Joseph's 19th Birthday. Six years ago we lost him to colon cancer. Every year on this date, I think about him and what he might have been doing had he lived. And while I believe he is resting in Heaven and happy, I miss him terribly!

Happy Birthday to the boy that wanted to grow up to be a solider, but then later decided he had suffered enough to last a lifetime. Talk about courage!

Happy Birthday to the boy who turned everything in to a fun adventure for others.

Happy birthday to the boy that loved Legos, Video Games, Star Wars, and any cool gadget.

Happy birthday to the boy that was the best big brother both to James and Katelyn.

Happy birthday to the boy who suffered through yearly visits to the hospital, constant medicines, side effects, and finally the awful cancer that took him from us and yet always had a positive attitude and a kindness for others.

Happy birthday, Joey! This year you would have likely been leaving on your mission for the church (or already serving). I would be missing you in a different way, one not quite as permanent as this one feels. I love you, son. And we miss you like crazy EVERY single day. I hope you're having a beautiful day. We'll be thinking about you today (just like every day).


  1. Jen- I follow your blog everyday and love every post but this one touched me the most. Thank you for being so brave to talk about something no mother should ever have to face. You are an inspiration to me. I hope that if I ever experience something like losing a precious child that I will have the grace and warmth that you show every time you talk about your son. Happy Birthday to your boy.

  2. My heart aches for you reading this post!! I cannot imagine how losing a child feels (and hope I never do). My thoughts are with you as you remember and honour your boy today and everyday! Happy birthday Joseph!!

  3. I can feel the love you have for your precious son. Your writing and photos are beautiful and reminds me to tell my children I love them everyday. My tears are for your pain and the loss of an innocent loving boy. God has his reasons for taking him into his arms. I'm sending up a prayer for your family.



  4. Oh Jen... What a sweet tribute to him and you have such an amazing attitude and spirit. He was lucky like you to have a great family and there was so much love. I remember your story greatly and for some reason I think about those storm troopers visiting him...doesn't seem like 6 years ago. I'll keep you in my prayers today.

  5. Just wanted to send you and your family lots of love. ♥ ♥ ♥

  6. I'm remembering your family today and your sweet Joey. I'm thankful that I was able to know him, if only for a little while. Big hugs to you today!

  7. I'm so glad you have such sweet memories to help comfort you and your family. What a blessing it is for your other children to have so many of them documented in your scrapbooks too. You are all in my prayers.

  8. My prayers are with your wonderful family today. I feel blessed that I got to know Joey through Primary. He was so loving and kind. He has an old soul in a way and I learned a lot from him. Thank you for sharing your story!

  9. Oh, how Joey and my boys loved playing soldiers in your yard! Aaron still talks of Joey and misses him to this day. His legacy of compassion and love live on in all people he touched. You are a wonderful and gracious woman and mother, Jen.

  10. Just wanted to give you a hug and send prayers to you and your family.

  11. Hug and prayers for you and your family!!! Thanks for sharing these beautiful photos! xo

  12. What a beautiful post....words and your boy. God bless.

  13. Happy Birthday Joey! Sending hugs and prayers to you and your family on this especially difficult day...

  14. Happy birthday. Always wonderful to remember them, and heartbreaking at the same time. We just celebrated my darling Mikaela's third birthday. This lovely girl, my granddaughter, was hit by a car last year. We will remember her again the end of the month, the one year anniversary of her death. I AM SO WITH YOU. Please know that you are in my thoughts and I am sending good vibes and well wishes your way.

  15. So many things I will never understand. So young and so much life. My heart goes out to you and your family. I so loved looking at the pictures and seeing his personality come through. XO

  16. Blessings to you as you celebrate the life and love that Joseph brought to the world. Prayers for you and all who knew Joseph and miss him.

  17. Maria6:24 PM

    I have followed your work for years and I still remember when you lost Joey. The bond between parents and children is so strong that it is never broken. Joey lives on in your heart and hearts of those who loved him. My thoughts are with you on this day.

  18. Prayers of comfort to you and your family, and may God's peace and healing arms wrap around you as you celebrate and remember Joey.

  19. ♥♥♥hugs♥♥♥ to you and your family....

  20. Thinking of you and thanks for sharing tribute to Joey.

  21. Anonymous8:09 PM

    I am so very sorry for your loss, Jen, he is a beautiful child and obviously loved his family very much! Thank you for sharing his story - he will be alive in your heart until you are together again.

  22. What a beautiful way to remember your son. I am sure he is proud of you.

  23. Jen, I followed your's & Joey's journey many years ago on 2 Peas and I have been a quiet lurker on your blog daily. I know that Joey is smiling down on you and reflecting and beaming in the love he knows you have in your heart.

    You are a wonderful momma, who has to endure the pain no momma should ever endure. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you today.


  24. Thank you for sharing this & sharing a little of your son with us. My heart aches for you. Prayers to you & your family.

  25. Beautiful tribute. God Bless you and your family.

  26. Sounds like he was a true soldier at heart! What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful boy. Hugs and prayers.

  27. ((hugs to you girl))

  28. Hugs and prayers for you today. And I shall go and hug my boys because sometimes we need reminders like this to realize just how precious life is, thank you.

  29. JLBOhio9:16 PM

    Every year it breaks my heart to read these posts. So sorry again for your loss. It sounds like he was a really great kid.

  30. Happy birthday to a boy who sounds soooo much like my own. My heart aches for you. We lost a daughter, who was stillborn. As hard as that was, I can only imagine how much more it would hurt to lose a child after having so many wonderful years with him. Praying God brings comfort to you today and lots of joy in the happy memories of Joseph!

  31. Anonymous8:05 PM



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