Tuesday Tip: Catching a Manufacturer's Eye

I have been on several design teams including Li'l Davis Designs, Karen Foster Design, American Crafts, Making Memories, Little Yellow Bicycle, and Two Peas Garden Girls. And while every opportunity has come in a slightly different way, one way I know to work is to upload projects to popular online galleries that contain a company's products. I have looked for design team members in this way myself--using the gallery's search feature to look for designers using our products.

If the designer has a good eye for design, has great photos, can take good photos of their projects, and can easily promote product while creating an innovative project then they are likely to start catching the manufacturer's eye.

Another tip is to label your project this way "Name of the Project: Studio Calico" OR "Name of Project: American Crafts" when uploading your project. This makes searching MUCH easier. Also make sure to bookmark the company's products that you've used to help the search engine. Make sure you are uploading and labelling these same projects on your personal blog so if you apply for the team, and they check out your blog it will contain several samples of your work with their products.

While this doesn't always guarantee a spot on their team, it is a good idea to help build your "portfolio" to share when you do apply.


  1. thank you for the tip sweet Jen! we all dream to be on these "big teams"!! one day maybe!! one can dream, right??!):)

  2. Thank you for posting that! Great info! I have been on 2 manufacturer blogs this month and one was because I decided to just e-mail them and show them what I had done and the 2nd was something someone pinned on Pinterest. I think you really do have to work at it and your tips are great. I would love to be on either MME or October Afternoon's DT one day. I'm going to take your advice! Thanks!!


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