When Good Projects Get No Love!

K, I know we all have projects like these. Projects we create from a creative, happy place and then no one seems to find them as beautiful as you do.

Well, here's my opportunity to give them a little love all on my own.

Both of these were created for last year's HOF contest. The "Chill" layout was a freebie layout, and the reasons I love it:

* The color scheme is a bit unique for me.
* It was a wonderful excuse to use the Autumn Leaves winter paper that I LOVE so much!
* The cool circular design.
* The darling little negative strip (I think these are such a cool invention!).
* It reminds me of how, in Savannah, we could enjoy the beach year round.

The "React" layout was my technique layout. My technique being stamping techniques. The reasons I love it:

* This is one of my favorite color schemes. I started scrapbooking during the brighter years (as opposed to the shabby chic era).
* I am falling in LOVE with stamping so any excuse is a good excuse.
* These photos of my two youngest are two of my very favorites.
* It documents how my dd was so upset at the thought of having a younger brother, and how she has come to adore her little brother.

So do you have some layouts that never got any love? Share them with me, and tell me why you love them so very much!


  1. Anonymous12:46 PM

    LOL Jen!! I think I have more pics that need love than LO's. I just can't imagine you creating something that isn't loved by everyone!! The colors are fantastic! OH! and Huge congratulations... Cover Girl!

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  77. Keto burning reviews A Keto Diet has a detoxifying process when consumed properly. If you add toxins through the foods, you are not helping your liver, or your health.

  78. Instant Keto A Keto Diet has a detoxifying process when consumed properly. If you add toxins through the foods, you are not helping your liver, or your health.Eat fresh, organic vegetables. Try to regularly eat a variety of colored vegetables high in fiber. The more you do this, the better and more flavorful they will taste. Before long, your body will actually crave them for every meal.


  79. Velocity Trim Keto 1. Calories Matter. First, take note calories more than anything else matter here. Too many people dive into including keto snacks in their eating plan without so much as thinking about looking at the calorie count. If you eat a snack containing 400 calories that will need to be factored in somewhere!

  80. Keto Pro Avis First, a keto, or ketogenic diet, is designed to keep your body in more of a ketosis state. Ketosis is not abnormal. It is a state where your body is low on carbohydrate fuel. When this occurs, it starts to burn fat, rather than the carbs. The process produces ketones. The average person does not stay in a ketogenic state except during heavy exercise, such as CrossFit, or during pregnancy.

  81. Activate keto The Keto Diet Plan. Ketogenic diets are stringent, but if adhered to correctly they can provide a nourishing and healthful nutrition routine. It is about staying away from carbohydrate foods likely to spike blood sugar levels.People with Type 2 diabetes are often advised to focus on this diet plan as it consists of a mix of low carbohydrate foods, high-fat content, and moderate protein. It is also important because it avoids high-processed foods and indulges in lightly processed and healthy foods.

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  83. KSX Male Enhancement As they say, you cannot have everything in this world. You may have all the riches on earth but you may have a 'little' problem in your penis. Men who have small penis size can have insecurities and it may affect their self-confidence especially in the bedroom area. Most men who have troubles in their sex life may be brought by the small size of penis. However, having a small penis is not the only factor of having sex problems. This may be caused by impotence, premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.

  84. Alpha Femme Keto Genix We advise you to stay away from any processed foods or those packaged with preservatives. These will do harm to any diet and prevent you from living a toxin free life. Any diet works best when the foods are basic and clean.A Keto Diet has a detoxifying process when consumed properly. If you add toxins through the foods, you are not helping your liver, or your health.Eat fresh, organic vegetables. Try to regularly eat a variety of colored vegetables high in fiber. The more you do this, the better and more flavorful they will taste. Before long, your body will actually crave them for every meal.

  85. Renegade Keto Compare this to a non-traditional keto snack such as an apple at a 100 calories, and which do you think is better for your weight loss plan? You could even add some peanut butter to the apple to help better balance it out and you would still be under 200 calories, way less than the calories in the keto snack.

  86. Slimgen Keto As far as fat products, choose healthy sources. These may be organic flaxseed, olive oil, avocados, or coconut oil. Many of these are considered non-inflammatory foods. Inflammatory foods would be those such as dairy products or some of the nightshade vegetables.

  87. DX Keto The one major false belief is that women taking a supplement such and 7 Keto or DHEA may in turn result in masculine features. At the right dosage there is absolutely no chance of any testosterone being produced by it. This way, there is no chance of any masculine features developing as a result of taking this healthy supplement, like growing facial hair.

  88. Black label x Male enhancement in stores comes in different forms. There are pills that are all-natural or that may be made from herbal products. There are also creams available as well. Other products include pheromone cologne. For those not familiar with pheromone, it is actually a hormone that is emitted, signaling sexual attraction or desire for a potential partner. Male enhancement in stores are mostly marketed as having herbal components and are made from all-natural products or ingredients.

  89. Anonymous4:35 AM

    Vialis Male Enhancement On the off chance that she doesn't, she is one of the fortunate ones. A great many men have this issue, yet the vast majority of them are too embarrassed to even think about accepting it. Just by understanding this, you are one bit nearer to a superior Vialis Male Enhancement coexistence.

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  93. ACV Plus Weight Loss Truth: Sir Isaac Newton once said " What goes up must come down." There are natural principles that govern our lives. If you throw a ball up in the air, it is going to come back down. You can sit on your couch and imagine and visualize that the ball will staying afloat in the air, but natural principles teach us that it will come down. Same goes when it comes to our weight.

  94. With so many advantages associated with the use of penis extenders, it is no wonder that so many people decide to avoid surgery and look for such a painless alternative. The level of pain you will have to deal with if you decide to undergo surgery, combined with the high expenses associated with such a intervention is very likely to keep you away from making such a decision. KSX Male Enhancement

  95. Biovirexagen Many male enhancement pills include ingredients that are a carefully selected combination of the right amount of rare tropical herbs, usually 4-7 herbs, processed through a secret extraction process that produces the incredible results of these products with consistency, so you can always rely on that same amazing effect on your penis, time and time again! Male enhancement products will never leave you hanging, no pun intended!

  96. Massive Male Plus Many male enhancement pills include ingredients that are a carefully selected combination of the right amount of rare tropical herbs, usually 4-7 herbs, processed through a secret extraction process that produces the incredible results of these products with consistency, so you can always rely on that same amazing effect on your penis, time and time again! Male enhancement products will never leave you hanging, no pun intended!

  97. Therefore, it is about time that you consider taking male pills remedies. The use of these items while performing some penile exercises can in fact help to address your problem with regards to the size of your manhood. ManPlus Vixea

  98. Keto Crush This is one of the most common weight loss myths out there. It is illogical to think that your health and weight are going to be in balance if your nutrition consists mainly of twinkies, chips, and donuts. Sure you can burn it off by exercising, but most people whose diet consists of mainly junk food are probably not disciplined enough to stick to a workout routine. I do know a few people who, from the outside, look like they are in good shape, because they are not "fat, but who have high cholesterol.

  99. Men all over the world are suffering from sexual problems! Many doctors have concluded that sexual problems are caused by undisciplined lifestyle and unhealthy habits. Staying wide awake all through the night (partying or working late), being stressed out and eating all sorts of junk food usually takes its toll on one's physical and sexual health. Taking the best male enhancement pills is usually the first thing that comes to mind when your partner points out your... er...shortcomings in the bedroom. Retro X Power

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  101. In researching for penile enlargement exercises, you might want to check out the Length Extender, Jelq, and the Kegel's, just a few of the more popular sexual exercises around. Most exercises require you to wrap your penis and testicles with a warm wash cloth for several minutes before starting a workout session. This helps in ensuring a good, steady grip when you perform the exercises you have chosen. Vyantix Rx Review

  102. A little bit of massage therapy is also considered as an effective natural male enhancement procedure and can also do a whole lot of good to increase one's sexual vigour. But unlike male enhancement pills that work in only a matter of minutes, one will need to have a lot of patience while trying out these unconventional male erection products. BoosTX Reviews

  103. Few Javelin Male Enhancement people would disagree that men and women are different in many ways, and their diet is no exception. While both sexes should avoid health degrading foods such as trans fat rich baked and fried items along with sugar and fructose laden soft drinks and desserts, there are certain foods which are especially important to male health.

  104. Mood is deeply affected by a combination of factors including neurotransmitter function in the brain, environmental Sildaxin and life changes and the diet we eat. Diet is the factor which is directly within our control, and the foods we eat can play a big role in the way we perceive others and the world around us.Men are best served eating plenty of fiber rich carbohydrates from fresh vegetable, and to a much lesser extent, fruits and grains. These foods hold blood sugar swings in check which help maintain proper brain chemistry balance.

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  106. product time and time again on the television or radio does not Supersonic Keto mean it will be effective in losing permanent weight. All these weight loss companies are trying to do is get their product in front of you over and over so it will be there when you're ready to buy. Many people make the mistake of assuming a product is credible simply because it's constantly on television.

  107. controversial book and the one requiring the most thinking-per-paragraph. Its reward is the deepest paradigm Extend Flow shift in a man's view of what success and power are really about. Seven years after publication, even with this book out of print for a few years, I begin many days reviewing one or more emails from a man for whom this book has catalyzed a spiritual journey. For most men, that's the rediscovery of the person he had whittled away to fulfill an image of himself that had always rubbed like sandpaper on his psyche, but that he thought would give him the love and respect of those he loved and respected.

  108. that resulted in this product getting pulled from the shelves is called Tadalafil, or more commonly known Ciagra Male Enhancement as Cialis. This ingredient is common in some prescription based male enhancement products. This product was advertised as a natural supplement that did not have any potentially harmful ingredients in its formula. Cialis has been associated with many serious side effects and any product that contains this ingredient should only be sold with a prescription. The full ingredient list for this product is not available to the general public, which was red flag number one. In order for this product to be sold again they will need to revamp their formula and only include safe ingredients unless they want to sell a product that requires a prescription.

  109. ones that delight me. In The Myth of Male Power I documented the seven-to-one discrimination against funding for prostate VitaBiogen versus breast cancer research, and stressed this on the flap jacket and in interviews. I am delighted

  110. Yes, it is the diet that allows you to continue eating pretty much the same as you did before although there Fresh Prime Keto is some emphasis on daily exercise

  111. was because Vigrafirmt Male Enhancement of the potent ingredient Cialis was involved. It helps promote a large increase in blood flow throughout the body

  112. It is illogical to think that your health and weight are going to be in balance if your nutrition consists mainly Nutrapharmex Keto of twinkies, chips, and donuts. Sure you can burn it off by exercising, but most people whose diet consists of mainly junk food are probably not disciplined enough to stick to a workout routine. I do know a few people who, from the outside, look like they are in good shape, because they are not "fat, but who have high cholesterol.

  113. It's not just individuals Kelly Osbourne Weight loss making the return either, groups are doing it too. This year's X Factor has seen the return of Dolly Rockers who previously competed in the third series of X Factor back in 2006.

  114. Married women preferred Bush; unmarried women overwhelmingly preferred Gore. Why? Voting motivations are Swolgenix XL complex, but Gore promised more government protection,

  115. diet that works Eclipse Keto most of the time must seem as complicated as nuclear physics. It's not, but there are a bewildering number of choices for diets out there. High fat or no fat?

  116. With a gentleman Biolife Keto from England who was considering this whole issue of legalizing drugs, and if that was the solution to take the money from the Drug Cartels, raise tax revenues,

  117. but due to life's Complex Keto Burn busy schedule you only have time for 20 minutes a day, then those 20 minutes will go an extremely long way. It might not necessarily be classified as "intense", according to your definition, but those little cardio moments will have positive health altering effects.

  118. director of the Rocky Fresh Prime Keto Mountain High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area program, to find out how bad the heroin problem has become in Denver. Gorman says the heroin being used in Denver is the same as the heroin being filtered into other major western cities. It comes from Mexican drug cartels that sell a lethal form of the drug called "black tar."

  119. abused drugs in Eclipse Keto Denver remain alcohol and marijuana. However, heroin's climb in popularity does not seem to be declining. In 2010 heroin overdoses

  120. and the drugs are Ciagenix becoming more potent, more toxic, and causing greater health risks than ever before. If people are allowed to do drugs, I don't want my tax dollars subsidizing new heart valves at age 35.

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  122. and ways of viewing Biolife Keto a diet program that will allow you to decide, once and for all, if it's the right diet for you. You may not always like what I have to say

  123. That resulted in this product getting pulled from the shelves is called Tadalafil, or more commonly known VitaBiogen as Cialis. This ingredient is common in some prescription based male enhancement products.

  124. Abused drugs in Keto Plus Pro Denver remain alcohol and marijuana. However, heroin's climb in popularity does not seem to be declining. In 2010 heroin overdoses ranked third behind marijuana and cocaine for emergency room visits

  125. Statistics from Keto Super Powder drug rehabs in Colorado also reflect heroin's popularity.. Marc Condoljani, associate director of community intervention programs at the Colorado division of behavioral health said.

  126. Here's another Wonder Full Keto reality check virtually any diet you pick which follows the basic concept of burning more calories then you consume the well accepted "calories in calories out" mantra

  127. A recent report Keto Super Powder by Rick Sallinger of revealed the homeless sell plenty of the drug. He went undercover and approached random homeless people looking for black tar heroin. and repeatedly found what he was supposedly looking for

  128. Bused drugs Prime TRT in Denver remain alcohol and marijuana. However, heroin's climb in popularity does not seem to be declining.

  129. That resulted Oxyphen Keto XR in this product getting pulled from the shelves is called Tadalafil, or more commonly known as Cialis. This ingredient is common in some prescription based male enhancement products.

  130. Italian products online The fish heart, dried and salted, is a forte of Sicilian and Sardinian food, like bottarga and increased in value by admirers of fish. The preparing of the core of fish is like that of fish roe. The heart is salted and put between two tables under a press. Following 20 days it is set to dry in the shade, in a ventilated region. The relieved fish heart has a solid taste, thusly it doesn't need exceptional flavoring. It is utilized in hors d'oeuvres, simply prepared with additional virgin olive oil, in plates of mixed greens or ground chips on pasta.

  131. Married women Viaxal Male Enhancement preferred Bush; unmarried women overwhelmingly preferred Gore. Why? Voting motivations are complex.

  132. Married Keto Slim MD women preferred Bush; unmarried women overwhelmingly preferred Gore. Why? Voting motivations are complex, but Gore promised more government protection, and unmarried women often seek the government as substitute husband-or substitute protector

  133. Was because Pro Core Keto of the potent ingredient Cialis was involved. It helps promote a large increase in blood flow throughout the body

  134. Was because Potenca Male Enhancement of the potent ingredient Cialis was involved. It helps promote a large increase in blood flow throughout the body.

  135. Was Viaxal Male Enhancement because of the potent ingredient Cialis was involved. It helps promote a large increase in blood flow throughout the body.

  136. Abused drugs Body Ally Keto in Denver remain alcohol and marijuana. However, heroin's climb in popularity does not seem to be declining. In 2010 heroin overdoses ranked third behind marijuana and cocaine for emergency room visits.

  137. Heroin hasn't Pro Core Keto reached the level of other drugs yet, but pharmaceutical opiate abuse is skyrocketing. Those drugs are more expensive than heroin, and that moves people to go from opiates to heroin. It's the same kind of high, but cheaper."

  138. Was because Potenca Male Enhancementof the potent ingredient Cialis was involved. It helps promote a large increase in blood flow throughout the body. This is the best method to use when it comes to curing erectile dysfunction. The problem with using this ingredient is that it can cause large decreases in blood pressure that can be very dangerous for men of any age.

  139. Diet that One Shot Keto works most of the time must seem as complicated as nuclear physics. It's not, but there are a bewildering number of choices for diets out there

  140. That have Pharmalite XS Keto failed to see results from diet and exercise alone, weight-loss surgery has become the safest and most effective means of achieving significant weight loss. In fact, studies have shown that with diet and exercise alone, nearly 95% of obese patients will gain all the lost weight back within 5 years

  141. Parmigiano Reggiano One conventional utilization of an entire Parmigiano Reggiano head is to utilize it as a serving pot. On uncommon events, when one has many visitors to serve (culinary fairs, feasts, huge parties) the entire head is spent and altogether burrowed out so the exposed outside layer stays, steaming pasta would then be able to be poured in it and served from in that.

  142. Married women Novum Keto Reviews preferred Bush; unmarried women overwhelmingly preferred Gore. Why? Voting motivations are complex, but Gore promised more government protection, and unmarried women often seek the government as substitute husband-or substitute protector.

  143. It is illogical to think that your health and weight are going to be in balance if your nutrition consists Impact Keto Max mainly of twinkies, chips, and donuts. Sure you can burn it off by exercising, but most people whose diet consists of mainly junk food are probably not disciplined enough to stick to a workout

  144. Here's another Hollywood Keto reality check virtually any diet you pick which follows the basic concept of burning more calories then you consume the well accepted "calories in calories out" mantra - will cause you to lose weight.

  145. Heroin One Shot Keto hasn't reached the level of other drugs yet, but pharmaceutical opiate abuse is skyrocketing. Those drugs are more expensive than heroin

  146. Married Keto Burning women preferred Bush; unmarried women overwhelmingly preferred Gore. Why? Voting motivations are complex, but Gore promised more government protection, and unmarried women often seek the government as substitute husband-or substitute protector

  147. Here's another Keto Vip reality check virtually any diet you pick which follows the basic concept of burning more calories then you consume the well accepted "calories in calories out" mantra - will cause you to lose weight.

  148. In natural Aktiv Keto formulas in products that are advertised to be safe. Male Power Plus isn't the first product to be recalled because of complications from a dangerous drug that is in their formula, and will not be the last. This is why it is so important to consumers that a product they want to purchase has clinical trials done on it and has a plethora of information available about the product itself.

  149. in natural Cialix formulas in products that are advertised to be safe. Male Power Plus isn't the first product to be recalled because of complications from a dangerous drug that is in their formula, and will not be the last. This is why it is so important to consumers that a product they want to purchase has clinical trials done on it and has a plethora of information available about the product itself.

  150. ones that Potenca delight me. In The Myth of Male Power I documented the seven-to-one discrimi nation against funding for prostate versus breast cancer research, and stressed this on the flap jacket and in interviews. I am delighted to see the funding for both cancers has increased and the gap has decreased. However, the remaining funding gap is still huge and has doubtless been a factor in prostate cancer deaths now exceeding breast cancer deaths.

  151. in natural Erecerxyn formulas in products that are advertised to be safe. Male Power Plus isn't the first product to be recalled because of complications from a dangerous drug that is in their formula, and will not be the last. This is why it is so important to consumers that a product they want to purchase has clinical trials done on it and has a plethora of information available about the product itself.

  152. Was because of the potent ingredient Cialis was involved. It helps promote a large increase in blood flow Iron Stack Pro throughout the body. This is the best method to use when it comes to curing erectile dysfunction. The problem with using this ingredient is that it can cause large decreases in blood pressure that can be very dangerous for men of any age. Most natural formulas utilize natural aphrodisiacs like Yohimbe and Epimedium because they do not come with adverse side effects and can be very potent on their own.

  153. diet that works most of the time must seem as complicated as nuclear physics. It's not, but there are Eternal Nutrition Keto a bewildering number of choices for diets out there. High fat or no fat? High carbohydrate or no carbohydrate? Low protein or high protein? To make matters worse, there are a million variations and combinations to the above diet scenarios to add to the confusion. It seems endless and causes many people to throw up their hands in frustration and give up. In this article I will attempt to change all that.

  154. Heroin Male Max 100 hasn't reached the level of other drugs yet, but pharmaceutical opiate abuse is skyrocketing. Those drugs are more expensive than heroin, and that moves people to go from opiates to heroin.

  155. Workout routine is great, there are a few things you should consider: the first being that everyone is Keto Dual System at a different level when it comes to their fitness and how much intensity they can actually handle. If you have been physically inactive for a number of years, an intense work out for you might be, walking half a mile a day

  156. ones that Keto Wave delight me. In The Myth of Male Power I documented the seven-to-one discrimination against funding for prostate versus breast cancer research, and stressed this on the flap jacket and in interviews. I am delighted to see the funding for both cancers has increased and the gap has decreased.

  157. in natural Ezslimfit Complete Keto formulas in products that are advertised to be safe. Male Power Plus isn't the first product to be recalled because of complications from a dangerous drug that is in their formula, and will not be the last.


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