Tuesday Tip: Design Team Applications

I have been on both ends of the spectrum here: applying for a design team and selecting design teams. One thing that always surprises me is how often applicants will go through all the work of preparing and submitting their entries only to neglect following the rules of the application process. During the several rounds of elminating design team applicants, Design Team Coordinators will look for those who can follow instructions. If you can't follow the application procedure, you might not be able to handle the team's rules and guidelines. I typically print out the design team application with the rules and then check off each item as I apply. You certainly wouldn't want to get left out because you forgot to include your mailing address, or you only included one project instead of two. Read through ALL of the rules when applying (or even submitting for a contest) and GOOD LUCK on your entries!


  1. Thanks for the tips! I've just been published for the first time in Cricut Quick & Easy - hoping it's the first of many! :)

  2. Do you have any tips for what to write in response to the 'why do you want to be on this DT?' question?


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